Stephen requested a 'Pastors' cake! Oh no, my mom thought, where on earth would she find decorations to make a pastors cake for her seven year old? But sure enough, she found some after some ferverent prayer!
"Stephen, lets build a pulpit for you!" said Dad. Ready, Set, Build!
So he built a pulpit with him!
Here it is, all finished and ready for use! Stephen just loves it, he preached for about half an hour (though it seemed like two hours!) with his new learn-to-read Bible that he also got!
Josh is following his big brothers example.He also preached for five minutes.(Then got tired and ran away!)
The ttwwiinnss sure enjoyed the day playing with Stephens toys! (Can't you tell?)
Stephen is a real good boy (and helper, too!). He knows how to do things that most seven-year-olds don't know how to do. And (most of the time) with a good attitude!
I think he is the only seven year old that asked for a Pastors cake. If you know anymore please post a comment!
This is from Alta Johnson: I think your blog is terrific! I can hardly believe Stephen is already seven, and Janai is fourteen...wasn't it just last year we babysat you and he couldn't even talk? Now he's preaching!
It is so much fun to see the pictures of everyone, including the ttwwiinnss! What a beautiful family and lasting legacy!
Love, Alta (for Paul and Ellen)
Happy belated Birthday Stephen! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
Way to go, Mom!! That's an awesome cake and what a great dad, too, building that pulpit:)
We're glad you had a good birthday, Stephen--Praise the Lord for your wonderful family to share it with you!
The Devine's
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