Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving at my Cousins. . .

Here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving at my cousins house in Chicago.

This is my Aunt Marisela and Grandma Sara working on some of the delicious food!

Some people played board games after. Here they're playing Sorry!

My Uncle Israel and two of my brothers.

The little kids enjoying the food.

My little cousin Lena.

My sister Janai and my cousin Sara.

Baby Ray, Ethan, Stephen, and Josiah.

Older kid group shot-
Me (Naomi), Sara, Janai, Alex, and Augie.

Thank you, God, for friends and family to get together with on holidays. And thank you for providing everything we need each day!


best days of life! said...

hey, good to see ya on Saturday!

Steve said...

Very nice, Naomi!

We sure had a nice time there and ate very well!!! :-)